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quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018

Vários Artistas - William Shakespeare's Hamlet - 2001 - Download

Gênero: Death Metal, Doom Metal, Folk Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Progressive Rock

01 - Delpht with Ticiana Andriani
From Hades To Earth
02 - Santarem
Sweet Flavour Of Justification
03 - Voice Vignette
The Happiness Of The Queen
04 - Hammer Of The Gods
Visions Of The Beyond
05 - Flute Vignette
06 - Krusader with Mário Linhares
The King's Return
07 - NervoChaos with João Gordo
 The Truth Appears
08 - Guitar Vignette
 The Play
09 - Vers'Over with Charles Dalla and Claudinei Alves
A Letter To Ophelia
10 - SAGGA with Ronaldo Simolla and Udo Stramm
Dagger Of Words
11 - Imago Mortis
 Prayers In The Wind
12 - Symbols with Fabrizio Di Sarno
Stormy Nights
13 - Keyboard Vignette
 Hands Of Fury
14 - Hangar with Fabio Laguna
Hidden By Shadows
15 - Torture Squad
 Mandale For Freedoom
16 - Fates Prophecy with Paul X and Sergio Faga
17 - Eterna
 Goodbye My Dear Ophelia
18 - Tuatha De Danann with Alexandre Callari, Mário Pastore and Ronaldo Simolla
The Last Words
19 - Vários Artistas
To Be...



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