
sábado, 11 de março de 2023

Anarkhon - Obiasot Dwybat Ptnotun - 2023 - Download

Gênero: Brutal Death Metal

01. Deliberate Chaos Caused by Violations of the Laws of Nature
02. Levitating Among Unspeakable Cosmic Anomalies
03. The Devourer of Eons Manipulates the Inanimate Puppet Called Man
04. Whispering the Mantra of Death in Horrendous Ecstasy
05. The Colossal Deformed Hallucination Distort and Violates the State of Entropy
06. The Aura of Extinction
07. Dissolution of the Firmament Through the Wrath of Spectral Emanations
08. Only Being in a State of Total Delirium Will You Be Able to Pronounce the Name of the Unfathomable Nightmare

Link 01
Link 02


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