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terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2023

Empalador Bestial - Sinistrion II (The Secret Dimmension) - 2022 - Download

Gênero: Black Metal

1. Welcome Back (Sinistrion) - Instrumental
2. The Witch’s Karma – Part I
3. The Witch’s Karma – Part II (The Last Sigh)
4. Recall A Bizarre Place That Tortures The Hope Born Already Dead
5. Hidden Side
6. Denying The Pantheism
7. VOCATIONE SPIRITUS PROFANUM (The Secret Dimmension) - Instrumental
8. Thy Myth
9. The Seal of Spectrum
10. Unknow And Reciprocal
11. Reaping The Gates of A Wicked Saga
12. When Darkness Stopped The Song of A Black Hymn

Link 01
Link 02


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