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quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2022

Triturador - Extreme Cranial Explosion By Necroscum - 2016 - Download


Gênero: Death Metal, Grindcore

1. Extreme Cranial Explosion
2. Submerged in Your Blood
3. Mummified
4. Ripped Entrails
5. Intestines Strungs
6. Head Is Crushed
7. Castrated
8. Limbs Are Chopped
9. Rape and Mass Slavery
10. Skinless Corpse
11. Impalements
12. Legions of Zombies
13. Vegeance of the Dead
14. Eat Flesh or Die
15. Cannibals Curse
16. Crust Inflamed Grind
17. Feasting on the Guts
18. Maggots Swarming
19. Drinking Bile and Pus
20. Shotgun Blastings
21. Demented Sadistic Family
22. Putrid Death Stench
23. Insane Nightmare / Visions of Death
24. Ripping Out internal Organs
25. Box of Terror
26. Grinding Up Flesh
27. Gore Inflamend Core - Scatologic Madness Possession
28. Misanthrope - Scatologic Madness Possession

Link 01
Link 02


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