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quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2021

West Hill - Rock 'n' Bubble - 2021 - Download

Gênero: Hard Rock

01. Pleasure Machine
02. The Bard
03. Innocent Smile
04. Pretty Air Hostess
05. I Must Go On
06. Save Your Heart
07. It Takes a Little Time
08. United Forever
09. Hope Sweet Hope
10. If You Hear This Song

Link 01
Link 02


Brazilian Hard Rockers WEST HILL are back with a bang. What bang is that I hear you say? Well, no other than their ten track album “Rock ‘N’ Bubble”. With influences from the Hard Rock heyday of the 80’s WEST HILL are looking to reignite the flame passed down to them by their predecessors. The album artwork is fun; I’m not sure that it is meant to be, but I always find it somewhat difficult to take this style a seriously and just see it in more of a comical light.

Opening the album is “Pleasure Machine” and straight away, that running bass line stands the hair all over me on end. I’m just full of anticipation and I am not disappointed. The guitar lines running at a relentless pace, accented with the odd little lick here and there as well as an incredibly enjoyable, and annoyingly catchy, vocal line that really polished the track off alongside some to and fro guitar solos. “The Bard” continues with a different style but still one that is fantastic. The styling of the track really lends its self to be somewhat of a concept, I could hear the bard style influences, reminiscent of a certain… bards song… I’m sure that you all know exactly what I mean.

“Pretty Air Hostess” seems to come across as one of those light hearted and jovial anthems that could have come out of the 80’s era, In fact I could almost see it being somewhat AEROSMITHesque with the stylings and effects used. The overall air of the track was just one that I could see myself and my group of friends growing up singing along as an anthem to a summer. “Hope Sweet Hope” is one of the singles from the track, with a light and unsuspecting intro it evolves into a beautiful ballad, my personal taking from this track was that even after the year that we have collectively suffered, there is sometimes only hope, but there is at least always hope and together we all need to hang onto that, lest we would lose the last little liberty and joy in our lives. A beautifully touching and emotionally powerful track.

Closing out the album is “If You Hear”, and whilst it wasn’t quite the fireworks, strippers and high octane finish that I quite often prefer; I found it to be more dignified, a quiet closure to an enjoyable book that you just can’t wait to start again. My only problem is that I wish I could read it again, without knowing what was coming.

Overall, this is a cracking album, for those Hard Rock officionados amongst you, be sure to check these guys out and give them the time of day. WEST HILL have taken the Hard Rock blueprint and stamped their name all over it. Well done guys.

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