
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2022

Gore / Pulmonary Fibrosis / Redundant Protoplasm / Golem Of Gore - Golem Of Gore / Redundant Protoplasm / Gore / Pulmonary Fibrosis - 2021 (Split) - Download


Gênero: Goregrind

Golem of Gore
1. Cerebral Enterocolitis Eradication
2. Virulent Cacophony Secretion
3. Pungent Morgue Fumes
4. Manifestation of Gore Revenge
5. Dysentric Garbage Cornucopia
6. Curling flame of Gore

Redundant Protoplasm
7. Excavated by Cestoda
8. Disintered Fecaloma
9. Bile Bleve
10. Repugnant Lasciviousness Breeds Voracious Contempt

11. Bestial Necrotomy
12. Razors of Dissection
13. Y-incision of a Dying Agony
14. Pathophysiologistical Compost in Formaldeide

Pulmonary Fibrosis
15. Stomatisis Aphthosa
6. Laryngotracheitis Diphteritica
17. Pyelonephritis
18. Extinct of Fibrinogen
19. Esophaguscopy
20. Peostatic Urethral Blenorrhagia
21. Slow Decomposition of Verrucos Amorphus

Link 01
Link 02


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