
quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2021

Vários Artistas - Total Raw Patho Gore Grind - 2020 - Download

Gênero: Grindcore, Crust Punk

Human Pancake
1. 10 Tracks Untitled

Gas Gangrene
2. Clostridium Histolyticum
3. Vibrio Vulnificus
4. Embolia Pulmonis
5. Brachial Artery Embelectomy
6. Carbuncle Fever
7. Massive Retroperitoneal Tubercular Abscess
8. Recurrent abscess formation
9. Hemorrhagic infiltration
10. Overcome Your Fears (Tunkio Cover)

Sebum Excess Production
11. Hey Ronaldo!
12. Baciloid Fumigation
13. Baciloid Fumigationlaceration in the Sebaceous Derm
14. Baciloid Fumigationlaceration in the Sebaceous Dermanamorphical Sebum Cultures
15. Baciloid Fumigationlaceration in the Sebaceous Dermanamorphical Sebum Culturesolleum Evacuation

16. Une Compilation Grotesque De Bébés Morts

Gangrene Discharge
17. Lysergic Torso Decomposition
18. Haemorrhaging of the Urinary Track
19. Collapsing on the Colon
20. Perforated Peptic Ulcer
21. Deliberating Self-Disembowelment
22. Deranged Colon Obliteratio
23. Ruptured Necrotic Contents

24. Swelling of Lymph Nodes in Front of the Ears
25. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome
26. Eyelid Agenesis
27. Superimposed Bacterial Infection

Golem of Gore
28. Necrotic Enteropathogenic Triumphant
29. Bloodshed Across The Toilet
30. Cerebral Enterocolitis Eradication
31. Virulent Cacophony Secretion

32. O Massacre do Carandiru
33. Sepse
34. Deformação Radioativa
35. Os Canibais de Garanhuns
36. Bolor

37. LSD Jack 2
38. Gilteco Gil 2
39. Humbeco Gessinger 2
40. Slaughterhouse (Mortician Cover

Seborrheic Keratosis
41. Untitled
42. Untitled II
43. Beat with Heavy Clubs and Left Bleeding in the Moonlight
44. Disemboweled with a Wooden Cooking Spoon
45. Inoperable Tumor at the Base of the Spine
46. Strapped to a Chair and Beaten with a Hammer
47. Pus Head Cretin - Unusually Large Cranium

48. Untitled 36
49. Untitled 37
50. Untitled 3
51. Untitled 39
52. Untitled
53. Untitled 41
54. Untitled 42
55. Untitled 43
56. Untitled 44
57. Untitled 54
58. Untitled 55
59. Untitled 56
60. Untitled 57
61. Untitled 58

Violent Encounter
62. Machete
63. Rotten Mask

Weedeous Mincer
64. Epoch Of Serial Killers
65. Quake DM6 Oldschool Massacre
66. Speed And Liquid Gorepunk Addict
67. Daily Murderer

68. Portal Hypertension Developing Esophageal Varices
69. Sudden Postoperative Death Caused by Massive Haematemesis
70. Percutaneous Hemobilia
71. Synchronous Colorectal Cancer
72. Obliteration of Pneumatic Costophrenic Break-Traumatic Hyphema With Intraocular Pressure
73. Infiltrate Lymphoplasmocyte Attacking Vascular Walls
74. Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion
75. Nasoenteral Feeding in The Treatment of Acute Hyperemesis Gravidarum
76. Glossopharyngeal Nerve Palsy

77. Tres Meses Deformado Por la Putrefacción
78. Colotomía de un Fecaloma Gigante
79. Absceso Hepático Purulento
80. Complicaciones de una Trombosis Venosa Profunda
81. Rehidratación de Tejidos Blandos en un Cadáver Momificado
82. Sorbiendo Líquidos Lixiviados
83. Despojos de la Promación

84. Monstruosa Criatura del Vertedero
85. La Grotesca Consulta del Dr Natalio
86. Chamico
87. Inhumacion Ilegal

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