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segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2020

Black Achemoth - X - Ater Doctrina Et Consecratio - 2014 (Compilation) - Download

Gênero: Black Metal

1. Intro
2. Bring the Darkness to Your Kingdom
3. The Splendor of the Black Art
4. Altar of the Serpent
5. A ígnea Morada do Belicoso Marte
6. The Call of the Infernal Names
7. Revealing the Somber Powers of Hell
8. Regina Lilith
9. Black Wisdom
10. Satan Come Forth...Your Unholy Black Tower.I Am
11. Crowe of Destruction
12. Intro - Instrumental
13. Predicator Blasphemare
14. Obscure Desires
15. Phosphorous Ascensio

Link 01
Link 02


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