
sábado, 16 de março de 2019

Vários Artistas - Sepultural Feast: A Tribute To Sepultura - 1998 - Download

Gênero: Thrash Metal, Groove Metal

1 –Sacramentum - The Curse / Antichrist
2 –Deathwitch - Necromancer
3 –Mystifier - Warriors Of Death
4 –Swordmaster - Warriors Of Death
5 –Dimension Zero - Troops Of Doom
6 –Lord - Belial Crucifixion
7 –Defleshed - Beneath The Remains
8 –Impious - Inner Self
9 –Children Of Bodom - Mass Hypnosis
10 –The Crown - Arise
11 –Exhumation - Territory
12 –Gooseflesh - Slave New World
13 –Slavestate - Roots Bloody Roots
14 –Gardenian - Cut Throat
15 –Denial - Ratamahatta

Link 01
Link 02


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